Contact Us

Please contact us by:

    • Calling us at 630 571 6500, or

    • sending us an email at info @

to obtain information on hours, scheduled fees for various types of estate planning documents, and other information.

We will be happy to send you an introductory letter which:

  • explains the estate planning process,

  • addresses issues you should review,

  • outlines information we need to proceed, and

  • sets out our schedule of fees.

Please furnish us with contact information (phone or fax numbers, or email address), and an address to which the voluminous introductory material can be sent.

To be sure we provide you with the right letter, please also provide answers to the following questions:

  • Are you married?

  • Is this a first or second marriage for you? (and your spouse)?

  • Do you have children? Please note if any children are by a prior marriage by either spouse.

  • Are any of your children minors (under age 18)?

  • Do you think your estate is more or less than $2,000,000? An estate is all your assets, including the equity in your home, life insurance on your life, pension and IRA accounts, and joint tenancy property.


  • By contacting us you do not become a client: the attorney-client relationship begins only when we both consent to the relationship, and agree to its terms.

  • We cannot represent you unless we know that the representation will not create a conflict of interest with one of our existing or former clients.

For these reasons, you should not send us any information about any legal matter that involves you (and we will not review any such information) until the attorney-client relationship is formalized by our sending you an engagement letter.

Only after you receive our engagement letter, and agree to its terms, will our representation of you begin. At that time you will be able to furnish us with all information relevant to the engagement, and we will be able to begin the process of advising you regarding that engagement.

Any communication you make to us (in any fashion: telephone, email, fax, U.S. mail, in person, or otherwise) is subject to the restrictions and limitations set out above.

These terms and conditions are imposed primarily to protect current and former clients, and should you become a client of ours, will be act to protect your interests as well.

Thank you for considering us as your attorneys.